Gram stain principle pdf merge

Fields stain is a histological method for staining of blood smears. Grams staining method is considered fundamental in bacterial taxonomy. Differentiation in regressive staining differentiation is the removal of washing out of the excess stain until the colour is retained only in the tissue components to be studies. The gram staining method, named after the danish bacteriologist who originally devised it in 1882 published 1884, hans christian gram, is one of the most. The staining characteristics of bacteria in the gram stain are very useful in classification. Impregnation it is the deposition of salts of heavy metals on or around cells, tissue constituents etc. The reason for staining bacteria is due to the fact that most bacteria are transparent and cannot be seen through the microscope. Qcslide gram stain control is a control slide for use with the gram stain, eliminating the need to. A magnetic gram stain for bacterial detection ncbi nih. Microbiology lecture 2 gram positive and gram negative bacteria gram staining principle this second microbiology lecture will explain the properties of gram positive and gram. The gram stain is a type of differential stain that allows a microbiologist to. Most bacteria have no colour, so they generate little contrast in the microscope field. The performance of equipment, reagents, methods, and techniques must be monitored and documented.

Each of these stains aims at identifying and characterizing bacteria based on their morphologies. Principle, procedure, interpretation, examples and animation last updated. The structure of the organisms cell wall determines whether the organism is gram psitive or negative. The staphylococcus aureus should appear as deep violet, grampositive cocci, while the escherichia coli should appear as pink, gramnegative rods. The most common stain being gram staining, acidfast staining, endospore staining. Using forceps, tilt each slide to drain off the staining solution.

Gram stain principle, reagents, procedure and result interpretation. A fluorescent gram stain for flow cytometry and epifluorescence. Gram stain reagents are evaluated by staining the following recommended bacterial strains. The gram stain, the most widely used staining procedure in bacteriology. They are transparent, and their detection is difficult under living and unstained conditions. Bacteria that stain purple with the gram staining procedure are termed. If the control slides do not prove satisfactory, the staining procedure is not accepted. Gram stain reagents are checked weekly and also when a new lot of stain is to be put into use, as per the clia quality control regulatory notice published july 18, 1997.

The gram stain procedure was originally developed by the danish physician hans christian gram to differentiate pneumococci from klebsiella pneumonia. In brief, the procedure involves the application of a solution of iodine potassium iodide to cells previously stained with crystal violet or gentian violet. To explain the differences between gram negative and gram positive cells. It is feasible to combine the essential features of the 2 most useful bacteriologic. Principle clinical laboratory regulatory agencies and good laboratory practice regulations require quality control programs. In 1883 hans christian gram discovered an important differential staining method that is used extensively today.

Gram staining is a microbiologic procedure used to differentiate gram negative from gram positive bacteria. History and explanation of the fundamental technique of determinative bacteriology article pdf available march 2004 with 21,573 reads how we measure reads. Atcc 25923, staphylococcus aureus and attc 25922, escherichia coli. Gram staining method, the most important procedure in microbiology, was developed by danish physician hans christian gram in 1884. The identification of mycobacteria with a uramine o is due to the affinity of the mycolic acid in the. Yet there are differences in the cell walls within the species of bacteria. When stained with a primary stain and fixed by a mordant, some bacteria are able to retain the primary stain by resisting declorization while others get decolorized by a decolorizer. Objectives to learn the technique of smear preparation. The staining technique, developed in the late 1700s by christian gram classifies the rigid cell walled bacteria into one of two groups based on whether they are able to resist the decolorizing action of an alcoholic. Gram staining technique is the widely used differential staining technique in bacteriology. The filter gram stain detected 2 to 100 bacteria, whereas the slide gram stain failed to detect less than. The gram staining technique differentiates the mixed culture cells into two terms as gram positive bacteria and gram. The viabilitycytotoxicity assay kit for bacteria features dual staining.

Therefore, to see bacteria with the microscope, it is necessary to apply colour by using a staining reagent. Gram staining is most widely staining technique used in mo. Principle acidfast mycobacteria resist decolorization by acid alcohol after primary staining owing to the high lipid mycolic acid content in their cell walls. Do not allow the staining solution to dry on the slides add fresh solution as required. The gram stain procedure enables bacteria to retain color of the stains, based on the differences in the chemical and physical properties of the cell wall. This test differentiate the bacteria into gram positive and gram negative bacteria, which helps in the classification and differentiation of. Romanowskytype stains are used to differentiate cells for microscopic examination in pathologic specimens, especially blood and bone. Gram staining is a differential staining technique that provides an easy differentiation of bacteria into one of two groups. The procedure is named for the person who developed the technique, danish bacteriologist hans christian gram. The principle of gram staining relies on the reaction of a bacterial cell with the gram stain which finally differentiates the bacteria into grampositive and gramnegative. Mixed bacterial populations were prepared by combining equal volumes of e.

Gram staining uses crystal violet to stain cell walls, iodine as a mordant, and a fuchsin or safranin counterstain to mark all bacteria. This was developed in 1884 by a danish bacteriologist, hans christian gram. Acknowledgments uk standards for microbiology investigations uk smis are developed under the auspices of public health england phe working in partnership with the national. Gram staining principles gram staining is used to determine gram status to classify bacteria broadly. Gram in 1884 it remains an important and useful technique to this day. Batch staining for demonstration of gram positive and gram. In thin films the red blood cells are fixed and parasitized cells can be identified by their morphology. The gram stain technique is based on the differential structure of the cellular membranes and cell walls of the two groups. What is gram stain test staining procedure, principle. Gram stain principle, reagents, procedure, steps, results. The procedure involves staining bacterial samples with crystal violet, which. June 12, 2018 by sagar aryal gram staining is the common, important, and most used differential staining techniques in microbiology, which was introduced by danish bacteriologist hans christian gram in 1884.

If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Principle of gram stain the two major groups of bacteria can be divided into gram positive and gram negative. The centers for disease control recommend a chest radiograph figure 8, pulse oximetry a test used to measure the oxygen saturation of the blood, blood cultures, sputum gram s stain and culture, and testing for viral respiratory pathogens, notably influenza a and b and respiratory syncytial virus. The gram stain is a differential method of staining used to assign bacteria to one of two groups gram positive and gram negative based on the properties of their cell walls. The cell walls of gram positive bacteria have a thick layer of proteinsugar complexes called peptidoglycan and lipid content is low. Its application aim at read more albert staining principle. Bacterial classification, structure and function introduction the purpose of this lecture is to introduce you to terminology used in microbiology. The gram stain was developed by christian gram in 1884 and modified by hucker in 1921. Gram stain or gram staining, also called gram s method, is a method of staining used to distinguish and classify bacterial species into two large groups.

Romanowsky staining, also known as romanowskygiemsa staining, is a prototypical staining technique that was the forerunner of several distinct but similar stains widely used in hematology the study of blood and cytopathology the study of diseased cells. Gram negative bacteria will be pink and gram positive bacteria will be purple. Giemsa stain is commonly used when there is need to examine the blood smear for the parasites but is a good stain for routine examination of blood smear and used to differentiate nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of the various cells of the blood like platelets, rbcs, wbcs as well as the parasites. As the cell wall of bacteria is very different from the cell wall of other organisms. Slide is washed with alcohol, which will remove stain from gram negative cells but not from gram positive cells. The filter gram stain was approximately 100fold more sensitive than the slide gram stain.

Occurrence of a phosphoric ester in certain bacteria. The definitive diagnosis of malaria infection and other parasites is still based on finding such organisms in blood films. The relation of the gram stain to the cell wall and the ribonucleic acid content of the cell. To learn the techniques of gram staining, nigrosin staining and koh test. Thus, various staining methods are developed to facilitate bacterial detection. It is also known as gram staining or gram s method. Key difference gram stain vs acid fast bacteria are very small microorganisms. Dmao green for live cells, and ethdiii red for dead cells fig. Gram stain report introduction the purpose of this experiment is to determine the shape and gram stain of the bacteria under a microscope. It includes introduction, history, principle, method of gram staining procedure slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

To use and relate the gram stain to the study of bacterial cell morphology, and as an important step in the identification of a bacterial species. Gram positive bacteria have high content of peptidoglycan in its cell wall while the lipid content is quite low. Safranin is applied, which will stain cells that were decolorized. Microbiology lecture 2 gram positive and gram negative. Gram staining principle, procedure, function of reagents. The cells are colored red or violet so as to distinguish its group. Positive and negative control slides should be used every time the staining procedure is performed except for gram staining where positive controls may be enough unless a new batch of stain is made. Ziehlneelsen staining procedure method stepwise when you see this icon click on it to view what the slide would appear like if that step of the staining procedure was not performed correctly. It allows a large proportion of clinically important bacteria to be classified as either gram positive or negative based on their morphology and differential staining properties. The developed magnetic gram stain method was then used to. Gram stain qc will be performed with every run of person samples and will include staphylococcus aureus and e.

The name comes from the danish bacteriologist hans christian gram, who developed the technique. Combining the objective lens and eyepiece allows for higher magnification than using a single lens alone. Gram staining is still the cornerstone of bacterial identification and taxonomic division. Principle of gram stain there are certain bacteria when stained with dyes such as methyl violet, crystal violet or gentian violet which is a mixture of two preceding dyes and then treated with iodine acting as a mordant fixing the stain so that subsequent treatment with a decolourizing agent like alcohol or acetone does not remove the primary. Stain dark purple due to retaining the primary dye called crystal violet in the cell wall. Heat gently to steaming and allow to steam for 5 min. Workers in clinical laboratories are frequently requested to stain bacterial smears from. Laboratory perspective of gram staining and its significance in investigations of infectious diseases yunusa thairu 1, idris abdullahi nasir 1, yahaya usman 2 1 department of medical microbiology, university of abuja teaching hospital, gwagwalada, abuja, nigeria 2 department of medical laboratory science, faculty of medicine, ahmadu bello university, zaria, kaduna, nigeria. Principle the gram stain is used to classify bacteria on the basis of their forms, sizes, cellular morphologies, and gram reactions. When the bacteria is stained with primary stain crystal violet and fixed by the mordant, some of the bacteria are able to retain the primary stain and some are decolorized by alcohol.